Firmware evolution at end of august
Here are the new features added to Anytone ATD-868UV (firmware 2.32) and to its CPS software (v1.32), there is now the APRS (Automatic Packet Reporting System) feature included !
- All zeros that were displayed in 0 are now crossed out, in Ø, on the Anytone ATD-868UV display.
- In the rig menu, Talk Group => TG List => Select => Select Contact, allows you to assign a newTG for the current channel. This is to be used after creating a new channel.
- (Reminder) Create a new channel:
- Hold pressing MENU key, until the LCD display “Next Please Press Dial Key”,
- Press P1 key, the radio will enter into new channel setup.
- Delete an existing channel:
- Turn to the channel firstly,
- hold pressing MENU key, until the LCD display “Next Please Press Dial Key”,
- press P2 key, the radio will allow deleting the channel.
3. Fixed time error in Call Log => Last Call => Last Call List.
4. Acceleration of the switching time from one zone to another with the up and down keys.
5. In the CPS- software, menu Optional Setting => Display => CH Switching Keeps Last Caller, allows to keep the display of the last heard station when
you change channels.
6. Added feature: APRS GPS position transmission via DMR network. See detailed APRS settings below.
APRS settings
Step 1: Activate APRS on the channel
You must first select one of your channels as the default APRS channel. APRS beacon will be emit on the frequencies, color code, and timeslot corresponding to the repeater or hotspot you are using.
Open the channel settings screen and select :
- APRS Report on ‘On”
- APRS Report Channel at 1
Step 2: Set up the APRS data
1. Open from the left menu the “Digital APRS Information” screen
2. In the “Digital APRS Information” screen, enter the beacon transmission period in manual [Manual Tx Intervals].
3. Enter[APRS Auto TX Intervals] (in seconds)
4. Define the power level of the APRS beacon (for hotspots, prefer the low level (Low))
5. Fixed GPS Beacon (This to mean that the beacon is a fixed point or GPS origin)
- Not Used: APRS beacons are sent from the GPS position. The GPS must first be activated and the GPS position determined (measured) by the Anytone.
- Used : APRS beacons are sent using the fixed point defined in the “ddd.ddddd” box.
6. Enter your fixed position in decimal format
To determine a fixed location, you can use and click on the map. At the bottom of the screen, the coordinates directly in decimal format can be used.
7. Enter the destination identifier of the APRS beacon and its call type (generally Private). Specify the transmission timeslot (typically the one corresponding to the channel – step 1 – You can then leave the Channel Slot setting)
To find the destination number of the APRS tag, refer to the brandmeister wiki site. You will normally find this information on the country page. Be careful, choose the country according to the Master used by the repeater or hotspot. Here F5ZKS uses the master 2281, which is in Switzerland. In this case the TG Private is 5057. For a repeater on master France, the TG Private is 208999. In US, the APRS TG destination is in private call 310999.
8. Users of repeater or hotspot connected to Brandmeister will define in their SelfCare account the Motorola brand for the Anytone tranceiver.
APRS positioning results
Here is a listing of the raw APRS data, via the DMR F5ZKS repeater (MMDVM technology) and the Hotspot F5UII
28/08/2018 23:05:46+02:00: F5UII-14>APBM1D,F5ZKS,DMR*,qAR,F5ZKS:@210545h4744.66N/00724.88E>16./000 28/08/2018 23:06:49+02:00: F5UII-14>APBM1D,F5ZKS,DMR*,qAR,F5ZKS:@210648h4744.66N/00724.88E>16./000 28/08/2018 23:07:52+02:00: F5UII-14>APBM1D,F5ZKS,DMR*,qAR,F5ZKS:@210751h4744.66N/00724.88E>16./000 28/08/2018 23:08:58+02:00: F5UII-14>APBM1D,F5UII,DMR*,qAR,F5UII:@210857h4744.66N/00724.88E>16./000 28/08/2018 23:09:31+02:00: F5UII-14>APBM1D,F5UII,DMR*,qAR,F5UII:@210930h4744.66N/00724.88E>16./000 28/08/2018 23:09:52+02:00: F5UII-14>APBM1D,F5UII,DMR*,qAR,F5UII:@210951h4744.66N/00724.88E>16./000
Download firmware 2.32
Follow the update procedure available in the article Discover Anytone AT-D868UV, what is it really worth? 📶 and in particular the step of updating icons (some are added for APRS)
Hardware V1.0 — Please use the firmware V1.32 for updating the radio.
Hardware V1.1 — Please use the firmware V2.32 for updating the radio.
- Download the Firmware 2.32 for Anytone ATD-868U D868UV V2.32 FW version official
- Download the Firmware 1.32 for Anytone ATD-868U D868UV V1.32 FW version official
France repeater Codeplug
A codeplug is available with 121 french repeater. After open it with the CPS software including APRS beacons on TG208, mind to modify your CSS7 ID
- Download the “France” Codeplug for ATD-868UV 1.32/2.32 AT-D868UV v2.32 -France-APRS- F5UII-28-08-2018.rdt
Merci c’est top comme tuto.
73’s Vincent HB9VCJ – KF6CYU
Thanks, it’s a top tutorial.
73’s Vincent HB9VCJ – KF6CYU
Hello All,
I believe I have loaded V2.32 FW. When I check the radio under Menu – Settings, it still shows the firmware version as 2.31. Is this correct? I have tried several times to see if I was doing something wrong. I did put the radio in update mode and then reset the microprocessor after the firmware load. Thanks for the help.
Bonjour à tous,
Je suis convaincu d’avoir chargé V2.32 FW. Lorsque je vérifie la radio sous Menu – Paramètres, elle affiche toujours la version du micrologiciel 2.31. Est-ce que c’est exact ? J’ai essayé plusieurs fois de voir si je faisais quelque chose de mal. J’ai mis la radio en mode mise à jour puis réinitialisé le microprocesseur après la charge du firmware. Merci pour l’aide.
I have no troubles on my side, I practice without doing a final reset, as follows (and explained also here) :
– prior saving of the configuration (backuping the rdt file)
– reignition in flash mode (PTT + orange button)
– send file 868UV_1G_V2.32_2018-08-26.spi.
– Re-ignition
I immediately noticed that the 2.32 firmware was in place with the strikethrough zeros displayed on the screen.
je n’ai pas de soucis de mon coté, j’ai pratiqué sans faire de reset final, comme suit (et également expliqué ici):
– sauvegarde préalable de la configuration (en fichier rdt)
– réallumage en mode de flashage (PTT + bouton orange)
– envoi du fichier 868UV_1G_V2.32_2018-08-26.spi.
– Réallumage
J’ai tout de suite constaté que le firmware 2.32 était en place aux zéros barrés affichés sur l’écran
Merci Christian pour ce super “tuto”.
73 de Gérald
Thank you Christian for this great “tuto”.
73 de Gérald
merci trés bon tuto
thank you very good tuto
pouvez vous m’envoyer un code plug francais pour la version d’anytone de base
pour me faire la main HI HI HI……
pour un anytone firm v2.27 hard v 1.10 radio data v1.00
pour demarrer mon poste
je pense passer a votre version aprs plus tard
can you send me a french codeplug for the basic version of anytone
to teach me HI HI HI HI HI………
for an anytone firm v2.27 hard v 1.10 radio data v1.00
to start my handy
I think I’ll move on to your APRS version later.
Je ne dispose pas de codeplug correspondant à la version 2.27.
Mais sans aucune garantie que cela puisse être chargé, essayez tout de même le codeplug de relais Français pour 2.31 disponible ici.
I don’t have a codeplug corresponding to version 2.27.
But without any guarantee that it can be loaded, try the codeplug of French repeater for 2.31 available here.
73 Christian
Can this radio do conventional analog APRS?
Cette radio peut-elle faire de l'APRS analogique conventionnel ?
Even if the APRS setting is made in the common part of the channel, the APRS is (for the moment ?), the function only broadcasts the position in DMR.
Même si le paramétrage APRS se réalise dans la partie commune du canal, l'APRS est (pour l'heure ?), la fonction ne diffuse la position uniquement en DMR.
j'ai tout fais mais les trame partent et rien sur
j'ai mis le 208999 j'ai declaré sur brandmeister toujours rien
je transmets les données sur l'aiguoal F1ZNO
tout est a ON sur le tx
ou est l'erreur ?
faut il declarer le tg sur f1zno ?
I did everything but the packets go well away but nothing on
I put on 208999 I declared on brandmeister still nothing
I transmit the data on the F1ZNO repeater
everything is in ON on the tx
where is the error?
do we have to declare the tg on f1zno?
Le firmware 2.32 ne fonctionne pas correctement avec les relais Motorola (cas de F1ZNO).
Le soucis est indiqué comme corrigé avec le firmware 2.33. Voir la page concernée :
Bonne mise à jour. 73
Firmware 2.32 does not work properly with Motorola repeaters (case of F1ZNO).
The problem is indicated as fixed with firmware 2.33. See the relevant page:
Good update. 73
Do you know where I could find a GPS module and cable for a version one 868 converted to the 878?
Savez-vous où je pourrais trouver un module et un câble GPS pour une version 868 convertie en 878 ?
Merci pour ces posts, vraiment top!
Est il possible d’envoyer de la data entre 2 878UV2 ?
un PC–> cable usb –> 878UV2 ~~~~~~RF~~~~~~ 878UV2 <– cable usb <– PC
Je ne trouve rien qui exploite la spec DMR à ce sujet…
Thanks for these posts, really great!
Is it possible to send data between 2 878UV2?
a PC-> usb cable -> 878UV2 ~~~~~~RF~~~~~~ 878UV2 <- usb cable <- PC I can't find anything that exploits the DMR spec on this...
Merci pour vos messages de soutien. Je n’ai jamais lu de telle interaction.
73 Christian
Thank you for your messages of support. I have never read such interaction.
73 Christian
Is there anybody here, who can tell me, how I can display the analog APRS-Data in a Windows- or Linux program like UiView32, Xastir, Pinpoint etc.? I tried many TNC-settings, but nothing happens, no stations displayed…
TNX and 73
Bonjour !
Y a-t-il quelqu’un ici, qui peut me dire, comment je peux afficher les données APRS analogiques dans un programme Windows ou Linux comme UiView32, Xastir, Pinpoint etc ? J’ai essayé de nombreux réglages TNC, mais rien ne se passe, aucune station n’est affichée…
TNX et 73